What is ACE?
ACE is an integrated approach to animal education and well being, developed by Sarah Fisher. It teaches you to see your dog in new ways and gives you tools to help them to relax and calm. It provides the perfect context for genuinely choice-based training and changes your dog's emotional state.
ACE starts from the premise that our dog's physical, emotional and behavioural responses are inextricably linked and takes a holistic approach to helping our dogs
These recorded workshops are taught by ACE Instructor, Janet Finlay, and will teach you how to get started with ACE Free Work and detailed observations, how to integrate engagement, leading and handling within ACE, and how to take ACE techniques out on the road with your sensitive dog. They comprise an introduction to ACE which is open to all, a folllow-on workshop, for those with some familiarity with ACE Free Work, on using ACE to help reactive and sensitive dogs and a workshop for those with some ACE experience who are interested in exploring some of the science behind ACE.

ACE Essentials
Getting started with ACE
You will learn:
- How to set up and start using ACE Free Work, the essential components and how to adapt it to the needs of your individual dog.
- How to become a "dog detective" and spot signs of discomfort, tension or pain in your dog, that may be contributing to problem behaviour.
- How to engage with your dog in new ways that enable you to listen to each other more effectively.
- How to introduce equipment appropriately and to lead your dog without tension and conflict.
- 2.5 hours

ACEing Reactivity
How ACE can help your reactive dog
You will learn:
- How ACE changes your dog's emotions and provides relief from fear, frustration and stress.
- How you can begin counter conditioning your dog to triggers within ACE without leaving your home.
- How to incorporate reactivity training into ACE so that your dog always has meaningful choices.
- How to take ACE techniques out on the road with you to provide a way to calm and relax your dog on walks.
This workshop assumes a basic knowledge of ACE but includes a full bonus course introducing ACE.
- 8.5 hours (+bonus resources)

Geeking ACE
Exploring the Science behind ACE
You will learn
- How ACE observations indicate pain, stress and imbalance and why this matters to behaviour
- Why ACE Freework supports physical wellbeing and emotional wellbeing.
- How ACE Freework enhances animal agency and why that is important.
- Why ACE underpins natural behaviours for dogs.
This workshop is based on published research and is fully referenced, with complete papers included where possible.
The recording includes discussion of some of the concepts raised.
4.25 hours.