Enjoy getting your teeth into topics?
Then you have come to the right place. Our webinar bundles are designed to let you deep dive into important topics that matter for our dogs, ourselves and our businesses.
These are recorded webinar sessions where Michelle and Janet explore topics like what wellbeing looks like for dogs, people and business and how we bring more choice into our dogs' lives.
Watch this space as we will be adding more webinar bundles for you to enjoy.

Wellbeing Bundle
Wellbeing for dogs, humans and in business.
Wellbeing is central to feeling safe and content and that goes for our dogs, our clients and ourselves as we operate our businesses.
This bundle includes three sets of webinars with Michelle and Janet: Canine Wellbeing, Wellbeing for Humans and Wellbeing in your Business.
What you'll get:
- Canine Wellbeing including Wellbeing in training (210 mins)
- Wellbeing for Humans (95 mins) including TTouch for humans and a wellbeing challenge you can do for yourself
- Wellbeing in business (150 mins) focusing on designing your business to work for you.
Note: This bundle is included within the Connect membership, so please do not purchase if you have this.

Choice Bundle
More choice for you and your dog.
Do you want to give your dog more choice and learn how choice supports their emotional wellbeing? Through this collection of webinars, Michelle Dart takes you through the principles and practice of choice-based training and cooperative care, as well as exploring how choice supports emotional regulation. You even get a workbook to follow through.
What you'll get:
- Choice-based Training (140 mins)
- Choice-based Care (90 mins)
- Choice for emotional regulation (100 mins)
- Choice-based training Workbook
Note: This bundle is included within the Connect membership and the Reframing Reactivity 2.0 Pro Course, so please do not purchase if you have either of these.